http://vestegoesabroad.wur.nl/ is an initiative of VeSte to improve the provision of information for students of Wageningen University who want to study abroad. VeSte asks students who went abroad to fill in a survey about their experiences. The survey contains information about amongst other things the student, the university, the courses, leisure time, the culture, travelling and housing. If you click on a country on the map, you can choose for a university.
The website will guide you to a survey filled in by a student who has been to that specific university. If you want more information about destinations, you can visit the website of Wageningen University and contact the Exchange coordinators. If you want to fill in a survey, you can send an e-mail to veste@wur.nl. The survey is available in Dutch and in English. Besides filling in our survey, creative other input (such as a blog) is also very welcome!